Digital Dental Intraoral Camera Benefits

An intraoral camera is a device your dentist uses to examine your mouth. The tool looks similar to a pen but a bit bigger. It has a camera that takes high-resolution footage or images of a patient’s mouth and shows the visuals real-time on a monitor screen which is a high-tech version of the hand mirrors. Intraoral camera (IOC) imagery is so meticulous that the dentist will get a clear idea of the problem before starting the treatment and know the best solution to keep your smile intact. An intraoral camera (IOC) is a small video camera that clicks an X-ray of the outside of the gum and tooth.  The camera is inserted into the patient’s mouth, and gradually, the dentist moves the tool about so that images can be taken from a variety of angles. The intraoral camera is exceptionally manageable both in diagnosing dental conditions such as cracked teeth or tooth decay, and it is also used for educating the patient.

History of Intraoral Camera

The intraoral camera (IOC), a relatively new piece of dental equipment, was first launched in the late 1980s. Later in the 1990s, came the endoscopic handpiece that was considered revolutionary because it was the first component-based intraoral dental camera that had a dental endoscope, a remote head micro-camera, and a light source.

There are many feature options in different brands of IOCs. Some include disposable probe covers, so each patient gets a fresh clean examination. Some low-tech versions of IOCs are made to use at home.

Some of the most common design options of Intraoral Camera are:

  • Wireless or corded connectivity
  • Magnification to 100X
  • 45-degree mirror attachment
  • Fixed or variable focus
  • LED lighting
  • Angle views from 0 to 90 degrees
  • Attachments for periodontal probes and a single toothFoot or fingertip image capture switches
  • SC card storage and specialized imaging software

Benefits of Intraoral Camera to Patients are:

  • IOC device shows precise and clear photographs of what is happening in your mouth.   
  • It shows details which is hard to see on an x-ray image.
  • Dentists can display clear, colorful images, letting them point out any matters and discuss them with the patients in real-time.
  • When making a treatment decision, the patient is more confident in the treatment recommended by the dentist and learns a lot about their mouths.
  • Dental offices can print or email images to their patients.

Benefits of Intraoral Camera to Dentists are:

  • Intraoral cameras have incredible technological features that make diagnoses more accurate.
  • The quality of the pictures is sharp and precise.
  •  LED lighting, and powerful magnifying capabilities (some cameras can zoom in up to 100x).
  •  A head that revolves from 0 to 90 degrees, your dentist can examine your mouth in extreme detail.
  • The images if properly stored and organized, are easy to access and helps in decision making.
  • The visuals from the intraoral camera appear on the monitor, which makes it easier for the dentist while you both see the images.

Benefits of Intraoral Camera to Insurance Companies are:

  • Insurance provider often needs visual proof of your condition. Just as the high-resolution images show you exactly what’s happening in your mouth, they do the same for your provider, bolstering your treatment case. Moreover, again, because print or digital copies are so quickly available with an intraoral camera, it saves time for you, your dentist, and your provider, making your treatment logistics and financials smoother.
  • It is much more eco-friendly than printing.
  • In case the insurance provider requires printed copy images taken with an IOC device, arrangements can be made immediately.


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